
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has been updated with news about the progress of A Feast for Crows and some upcoming appearances.

So Spake Martin Update

A batch of new additions have been made to the

So Spake Martin section in the form of reports from various conventions.

GRRM’s TorCon Speech

Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine has published the speech that GRRM gave at TorCon on their website.

Another Coin

The latest coin has come out of the Shire Post mint—a brothel token!

BwB on Wired.com

The Brotherhood Without Banners, an unofficial fan club for GRRM’s works, had the rare distinction of being highlighted in a Wired.com Worldcon pictorial, with a photo of the ASoIaF board members Caress of Cersei and Chataya.

ASoIaF Art on Ebay

Mike S. Miller, artist for the Dabel Brother Production’s "The Hedge Knight" adaptation, has set up an Ebay store where he plans to sell original art from the comic. The first lot are pages from the adaptation of an excerpt from "The Sworn Sword" contained in "The Hedge Knight" trade collection.

News from the WorldCon

These last few days, GRRM has been attending this years WorldCon, and from people attending we have learned the following:

  • GRRM is still aiming for six books.
  • There are twelve chapters in A Feast for Crows which grew out of the original prologue. Seven deal with the Iron Islands and five with Dorne.
  • There’s a strong possibility that a 2-hour pilot based on GRRM’s old anthology series, Wild Cards, may be produced by Sci-Fi. If it happens, and if it does well, there’s a possibility that it’ll become a weekly series.
GoT RPG at GenCon

Although the RPG is not quite finished yet, it appears that Guardians of Order will still be running a few Game of Thrones-related events at GenCon, starting Thursday (19/8). Check out their GenCon schedule for more details.

RRetrospective Nominated for WFA

George R.R. Martin: A RRetrospective has been nominated for a World Fantasy Award in the Best Collection category.

New Short Story

Late August/Early September will see the publication of the October issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine, which will contain a memoir by GRRM titled "The Heart of a Small Child".

Fevre Dream Limited Edition

Subterranean Press, the makers of GRRM: A RRetrospective, will also be producing a limited edition of GRRM’s Fevre Dream. This book can be pre-ordered straight from Subterranean Press or from Clarkesworld Books.

As owners of the RRetrospective (bought from Clarkesworld Books, who made sure it arrived in perfect condition) as well as another edition of Fevre Dream, we can thoroughly recommend both the quality of books from Subterranean Press and the novel itself.

AFfC Preview on Amazon.com

The Daenerys  chapter previously available on GRRM’s official site can now be found on Amazon.com.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has been updated with news about the progress of A Feast for Crows as well as another sample chapter.

THK Trade Paperback Available

The trade paperback collection of the comic book adaption of "The Hedge Knight" has now been released. If you don’t have a store that carries it nearby, you can order it from Amazon.com. They are currently listing it as not yet released, but they should likely begin shipping soon.

Boston WorldCon Info

This years WorldCon in Boston is fast approaching, and if you are considering going, you should check out the information provided by the Brotherhood without Banners, who once again will be organizing a great WorldCon party. It is a great opportunity to meet fellow fans and, of course, GRRM himself.

To help cover the costs of organizing the party, the BwB is holding a raffle. Tickets can be purhcased both by those who are going and those who won’t be attending, and the prizes will undoubtedly be of great interest to GRRM fans.