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Finale Episode Title

HBO has released details for the final episode of Game of Thrones season 7: “The Dragon and the Wolf”—good title—will have a 79 minute, 43 second running time, making it the longest episode of the series to date. There are rumors that season 8’s episodes will potentially run even longer as a matter of course, but we’ll have to wait and see if that holds true.

“The Dragon and the Wolf” airs at 9PM on August 27th.

Episode Guide Updates

The penultimate episode of Game of Thrones season 7, “Beyond the Wall, is out, and Linda has gotten the episode guide filled with thoughts on what’s inspired by the books and what may be related to what’s to come and what definitely isn’t happening, as well as an analysis of the episode which we’re embedding below:

Thanks to all of our travel lately, some of the previous episode guides did not get their Book-to-Screen sections, but those have now been filled: “The Spoils of War” and “Eastwatch”. The latter also contains a second video in the Analysis section, looking more closely at a particular bit of information revealed in “Eastwatch”.

Screenwriter Talks Game of Thrones Successor

IGN has an interesting interview with Jane Goldman, one of the four (or five) writers working on ideas for a successor series to HBO’s Game of Thrones. In the course of the interview, Goldman’s quite cagey, but she does share just a little bit of information that provides some additional parameters for what her pitch is.

Discussing Annulments in Westeros

Linda and I recently published a video on our Westeros.org youtube channel regarding annulments in Westeros. This is in reaction to something on Game of Thrones—Linda explains more in the video—but suffice it to say, it contains spoilers for season 7 of the series.

(And no, still not watching myself, but I know the general gist of what’s been happening so far, which is more than enough to confirm that I made the right choice for myself.)

Discussing the Successor Shows

As previously mentioned, Linda and I decided to take some time while on our vacation to make a video discussing the Game of Thrones “successors”—the four (or five) in-development concepts that follow-ups to the show. We’ve now finished the series, deciding that three parts was more than sufficien to kick around a dozen or so potential ideas. You can find them all in the playlist embedded below:

The Queen’s Justice Episode Guide

Later than usual—still on vacation!—but the episode guide for “The Queen’s Justice” is now up, including Linda’s video review and book-to-screen analysis. You can see the video below:

On the Successors

While vacationing, Linda and I decided it was time to share some thoughts on the Game of Thrones successors—as GRRM calls them—that HBO and several writers are developing as a potential follow-up to the popular series. In this first video, I lay out some of the details of what we do know about the projects, and some of the parameters that help us understand what the projects aren’t.

With any luck we’ll have the next video—discussing some ideas of stories outside of Westeros that HBO may be considering—up later tonight.

Discussing Fire and Blood

While we’re away up north (north to us, anyways) for our vacation, Linda and I are getting back to doing semi-regular videos about A Song of Ice and Fire, to compliment the Game of Thrones post-episode videos she’s producing for our Episode guides.

The first one—shot on the OnePlus 5 (my first Android phone, after 5 years of my trusty Nokia 920) to make the process more convenient while we’re up here—ends with an unexpected guest star as we discuss.. well, Fire and Blood, which is coming to readers sooner than expected in part because the first volume is practically finished already. Find out how that works below:

Keep an eye on our channel for more videos in the coming days.

Stormborn Episode Guide

Yesterday Linda managed to film her analysis of “Stormborn”, and it was hurriedly edited together before we left for our vacation. Linda posted it while we were on the road, and only now have I recalled to post about it here!

Not only is the episode guide updated with the video—which we’ll include below—but there’s also the book-to-screen analysis, looking at what details fit the novels, which seem possibly related to future events, and which are simply not possible because of the substantial changes from book to screen.

Fire and Blood Approaches

Answering the questions following his mysterious blog post from a few days back, George R.R. Martin has revealed that Fire and Blood is closer to publication than many thought. A book focused on the history of the Targaryens in Westeros, drawn in large part from material originally created for The World of Ice and Fire but which was largely redacted or severely compressed from that book, the amount of material is so sizable that it will appear in two volumes.

Per George:

No publication date has been set yet, but it’s likely that we will get the first volume of FIRE AND BLOOD out in late 2018 or early 2019. The second volume, which will carry the history from Aegon III up to Robert’s Rebellion, is largely unwritten, so that one will be a few more years in coming.

And for those who wonder about the state of The Winds of Winter...:

Whether WINDS or the first volume of FIRE AND BLOOD will be the first to hit the bookstores is hard to say at this juncture, but I do think you will have a Westeros book from me in 2018… and who knows, maybe two. A boy can dream…

New from Funko

Well-timed to the season 7 premiere, Funko has prepared a slew of new toys in their popular Pop! figure line -- as well as some new entries in their Dorbz figures, and even two figures debuting in their Rock Candy range of figurines which are focused almost entirely on female heroines and characters of note (we say almost entirely because somehow Harry and Ron from the Harry Potter series managed their way into the line). You can see some of the new selections in the gallery below:

Benioff & Weiss Create CONFEDERATE

This is quite big news in relation to the future of Game of Thrones-related projects. While we’ve previously reported on the fact that showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are stepping back in their involvement in future “successor” shows—they’ll have executive producer credits but won’t be involved in the day-to-day work and writing—it had been widely assumed they wanted to get away from TV and work on film; in fact, a few years ago they landed a deal to adapt a novel for movies.

So it’s with quite a lot of surprise that we learn that they are diving back into TV after Game of Thrones wraps up, and by diving we mean they’ll be showrunning and writing for this new original series, titled Confederate. According to the press release, posted below, it will begin production immediately following the final season of Game of Thrones.

Here’s the details:

The Game of Thrones Tapestry

Last year, Linda and I had the great privilege and pleasure of visiting Northern Ireland to look at the Game of Thrones doors scattered throughout the country, all thanks to Tourism Ireland. And this past weekend, we were able to tease that Tourism Ireland had something new up its sleeve to draw attention to Northern Ireland:

Since then, word’s gotten out about the absolutely stunning tapestry—inspired by the famous Bayeux Tapestry created to commemorate every episode of the last six seasons… and with additional panels to come as each new episode of season 7 is released. Fans visiting Belfast will be able to see the tapestry in all its glory at the Ulster Museum from July 22nd.

Here’s the full press release below:

Dragonstone Analysis

We’re back from Madrid—you can see our talk at Espacio Fundacion Telefonica on Youtube—but while we were there, Linda managed to film her video for our Dragonstone episode guide. The guide also includes a book-to-screen section, using the new format used since the previous season, now that the material is beyond the scope of the novels.

You can see the video below:

Games Are Coming

Games have been a part of the A Song of Ice and Fire licensing universe for a long time, starting in 2002 with Fantasy Flight Games and their award-winning A Game of Thrones collectible card game, followed by their A Game of Thrones board game. Since then there have been two different RPGs, two different computer games, a tactical tabletop game—and that’s just counting the A Song of Ice and Fire games; Game of Thrones has led to yet another computer game, board games, and more.

After a bit of silence on the A Song of Ice and Fire gaming front, suddenly two exciting projects are advancing towards publication.