
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Questions for George

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist is accepting questions for an interview with GRRM which will be conducted in April, in time with the release of Voyager’s paperback release of A Feast for Crows.

GRRM Reviews Stephen King

A review of Stephen King’s latest horror novel, Cell, has been published in the Washington Post, written by none other than GRRM. It’s a very good examination of one writer’s work by another, with some incisive observations sprinkled throughout.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has been updated with some new entries in the &;quotFrom My Readers" section and two new (and quite nice) covers for the Japanese edition of Tuf Voyaging in the "Cover Art" section.

More Boskone Fundraising

To raise some more funds for Boskone, a raffle has also been started to supplment the previously-reported auction. One of the prizes is a signed, personally inscribed copy of A Game of Thrones, and it’s only $1 a ticket—so why not throw in some money? Details can be found here.

Bioware Best Author Poll

For a bit of fun, BioWare—one of the top computer RPG makers out there—is running a poll asking its visitors to vote for their favorite fantasy author. Tolkien has a commanding lead, but GRRM has inched his way into second place. If you’ve got a little time, feel free to give voting a stab. Who knows? The result might well influence BioWare’s next game.

Boskone Fundraising Auction

For this year’s Boskone, the Brotherhood without Banners is planning to turn up in force and throw a few great parties while they’re at it. To help raise funds to cover the costs of these parties, some interesting books have been put up for auction on eBay. You can find them here.

Heraldry Update

The Heraldry section of the Citadel has been overhauled. It now uses ExpressionEngine to manage the information about each house, allowing us to easily generate lists of houses based on various criteria.  Some changes have also been made both to the listings (they’re now alphabetic within each region) and the navigation on the pop-ups with house info (it also goes alphabetically, and only within the region that you start your browsing in). We have also decided to add in houses that we don’t yet know the arms and/or the region for, to provide an even more complete listing of houses.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has been updated with some new entry to his Not a Blog. In it, he discusses the Hugo nomination ballot, urging the fans that can vote to nominate. He also has some suggestions, including nominating the Scientology episode of South Park in the Best Dramatic Presentation/Short Form category.

Radio Interview Archived

The CBC’s North by Northwest program has now archived the first half of their Book Club interview and Q&A with GRRM, so anyone who wants to can now listen in if they missed the live show. For those who’ve never heard GRRM read before, the Book Club event started off with a reading from A Feast for Crows. Remember to tune in on the 4th around 1300 GMT to listen to the second half.

So Spake Martin Update

Reports from GRRM’s signing tour in Canada and Vericon have been placed in the So Spake Martin collection, as well as a couple of new e-mails.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has been updated with some new "Musings" (his guest of honor speech at Ambercon is particularly worthwhile for fans of "A Song of Ice and Fire") and links to few new foreign fan sites.

A Storm of Swords Board Game

Greg of Fantasy Flight Games reported on the 25th that the A Storm of Swords expansion for the A Game of Thrones board game is moving along briskly and should be done and off to the printers by early February.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has been updated with a signficant new update in the "Update" section, bringing us up to speed on where exactly he is in his work and where he hopes to get. For those who don’t want any spoilers regarding who our POV characters are, it may be best to avoid it as George discusses POV characters and other information of the kind.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has been updated with a new image in the "Cover Art" gallery, a new essay in "Musings" and a new, post-Canadian tour blog entry.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has received its first post-Canadian signing tour update, with a new entry in the "From My Fans" sections, as well as the addition of a memorial essay for the late Roger Zelazny in the "Musings" section.