
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Auction Update: Original AFfC Art and More

We’ve previously reported on the benefit auction for writer Terri Windling, with contributions of rare and signed items from various authors, artists, and more, including George R.R. Martin. Some more GRRM-related material has come in—including an original piece of art from the Subterranean Press limited edition of A Feast for Crows, drawn and donated by artist Thomas Canty (one of our very favorite artists, BTW!) so we’d thought we’d provide links to all the relevant items to make it easy to find:

There are many, many other things in there, from prints from Alan Lee to signed books by Neil Gaiman, and much more. All for a good cause!

Fights, Stunts, and Brienne

The latest Making Game of Thrones update is out, and it’s a good one, as we see stunt supervisor Paul Herbert discuss the fight scene coordination for this season. Some great shots… including a glimpse of Brienne of Tarth in action! See below for the video:

Amazon UK Opens DVD / BluRay Preorders

Those who’ve been waiting patiently for Amazon UK to allow preordering of the Game of Thrones season 1 DVD and BluRay sets have seen their patience rewarded, as the DVD boxset and Blu-Ray boxset are now listed.

Interestingly, while other regional retailers are saying the date is March 19th for the release in the U.K., Amazon itself is pegging it at March 5th. Much like the Amazon US BluRay, the UK BluRay edition come with an exclusive bonus disc, “Creating the Visuals”, which covers VFX for the series. Of course, HBO US has its own bonus disc for direct orders through their store, while we’ve heard another UK retailer, Play.com, is offering an exclusive photobook.

So, pick your poison as far as what bonus exclusive sounds the most interesting to you!

More Award Recognition for Game of Thrones

Two august television- and film-producing bodies, the Producers Guild of America (PGA) and the Writers Guild of America (WGA), have released their shortlists for their annual awards… and Game of Thrones has scored places on both!

GRRM Conquers TIME

No, he’s not become an Elder God, passing through strange aeons. But the conquests continue, nevertheless, and this time it’s TIME’s “Top 10 of Everything 2011” list where he reaches the summits.

A Song of Ice and Fire has taken New York City by storm, A Dance with Dragons has pummeled its way to the top of the Goodreads Choice Awards... and now it’s TIME magazine critic Lev Grossman has named ADwD his top fiction novel of the year.

His colleague James Poneiwozik tries his hand at list-making as well, and has put forward his view of the year’s best television and episodes, and Game of Thrones ranks #5 in his top 10 television programs, with episode 9, “Baelor” taking the #10 spot in Best TV Episodes of the last year. Well-deserved… and I really need to get around to watching Breaking Bad and Justified, it seems.

Peter Dinklage, Stud of the Year

First he’s named Best Supporting Actor at the Emmys… and now he’s GQ’s Stud of the Year!

We first learned about this last month, but had forgotten to keep an eye out for when they posted the article yesterday. Now it’s up, and it’s rather amusing. As he holds forth on Game of Thrones and his alleged studliness (or lack of same), he’s surrounded by a bevy of models in a rather distracting photoshoot.

Thanks to feistyflo for the reminder about the article.

First Look at Ygritte, More Iceland Details

Thanks to IngvarSk68, fans have been turned on to the fact that Icelandic television station Rúv has a long piece  featuring Game of Thrones (roughly 9 minutes long), and it’s a treasure trove of little details. But the one most fans will go crazy for? The fact that Rose Leslie is seen in costume in the role of Ygritte at the 7:10 mark or so (UPDATE: The video has been put back online… but with the closest shots of Leslie removed, which makes us think that HBO didn’t like that being aired at requested RUV edit it out)! For those who’ve not read the novels, the glimpse may be slightly spoliersh, so beware.

The quality is not of the best, alas, but it gives a sense of things, in any case.

GRRM Conquers Goodreads

... and it’s not just New York City where George R.R. Martin has been causing a stir. The Goodreads Choice Awards wrapped up recently… and the result are already in!

A Dance with Dragons won the Best Fantasy category, narrowly beating out Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus—just 11 votes separated them! And, look at that—ADwD also managed to place as #3 in the Favorite Novel category as well.

Tip of the hat to author Mark Lawrence, writer of Prince of Thorns, for pointing out that the results were in at the A Song of Ice and Fire Forum. His own novel was #10 in the Best Fantasy category, a good showing from a first-time novelist.

GRRM Conquers New York

According to this article from the New York Post titled, “The Pen is as Mighty as the Sword”—and, anecdotally speaking, from various tweets I’ve seen over the last months—it seems that Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire mania has had a grip on New York City of late.

Audition Tapes and More on Season Sets

Amazon.co.uk has provided the next piece of the puzzle in regards to the full details of HBO’s DVD and Blu-Ray plans. Their listing for the DVD and BluRay provides a break down of content, including the full list of participants in the commentaries. “Audition tapes” are clearly noted, something not made clear with previous information. The producers had mentioned plans for having them in, so it’s good to see they’ve made it in.

Below you’ll find the details, both for DVD and BluRay, due March 6 in the U.S. We’ve highlighted those features which are BluRay exclusives.

European Publisher, New Screenshots for Game of Thrones RPG

Focus Home Interactive will publish in Europe Game of Thrones, the RPG based on the bestseller series of novels by George R.R. Martin, which has recently been adapted into a TV series by HBO®.

Game of Thrones is a big role playing game based on the famous series of novels by George R.R. Martin, which has already sold over 15 millions unit around the world, and which HBO has recently adapted into a critically-praised TV series. This is the most ambitious project of Cyanide Studio. Developed on Unreal Engine 3 and written under the supervision of George R.R. Martin, “Game of Thrones” will allow fans of the series, and more generally adepts of role-playing games, to live an exceptional adventure in one of the most finely-worked universe from the medieval fantasy literature.

20% Off Game of Thrones DVDs, Blu-Rays, and More

The HBO Store has just sent the word that there’s a special, 20% off deal for today only, if you input the code HBOGOT20 at check-out. For those who complained about the store offering the DVDand Blu Ray at the store when we learned that the store was including an exclusive bonus disc with the preorders, that should make the option much more interesting.

The DVD and BluRay sets of Game of Thrones Season 1 will become available on March 6th. For more Game of Thrones items at the store, visit the store directly or try our own store portal.

Charles Dance on Shooting S3

UPDATED: See the video of the interview, for that extra bit of Charles Dance.

An interview with Charles Dance, who plays Lannister patriarch Lord Tywin, provides the first reference we’ve seen to when the prospective season 3 will air, as well as a spoiler for those who’ve not read the novels.

Though largely focused on his appearance in SyFy’s miniseries event, Neverland, it does turn to Game of Thrones where he says the following (minus the spoiler):

Making Game of Thrones: Harrenhal Guards

There’s a new post from Cat Taylor at Making Game of Thrones. The content of it has to do with the practical clothing choices one must make when working on location—as she presently is, in chilly Iceland—but what piques our interest is the image accompanying it.

New Season 2 Behind the Scenes

And it’s at Making Game of Thrones, HBO’s official production site. It’s brief, but it features Maisie Williams discussing her “new look” as Arya Stark for season 2 of the series. Find it embedded below: