
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


George R.R. Martin on Casting A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Over at Not A Blog, George R.R. Martin provided an update on the casting of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, which is currently in production in Northern Ireland. We’ve previously

shared the casting of the two leads, but GRRM reveals that a number of other key roles have been cast. . . but it looks like HBO isn’t quite ready to reveal who they are, so they will remain nameless:

Most of the auditions — not all, but most — are done, and we should be able to announce some more cast members shortly.  We have our Tanselle, Steely Pate, Baelor Breakspear, the Laughing Storm, a couple of Fossoways, Aerion Brightflame (boo, hiss), Prince Maekar, and the rest.  Lists are being built on Ashford Meadow.    I am told they just had the first table read, and that it went great.

As we don’t know who most of the roles are (except for Egg, played by young actor Dexter Sol Ansell, whose video of getting his head shaved is featured in George’s post) we’ll present a gallery below of art by Roman Papsuev (remembered by fans from the early days as Amok or Amoka), commissioned by the Dabel Brothers and based, I believe, on Mike S. Miller’s designs for The Hedge Knight comic book.

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Egg, by Roman Papsuev

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Baelor Breakspear, by Roman Papsuev

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Maekar Targaryen, by Roman Papsuev

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Aerion Brightflame, by Roman Papsuev

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Steely Pate, by Roman Papsuev

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The Laughing Storm, by Roman Papsuev

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Tanselle, by Roman Papsuev

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Raymon Fossoway, by Roman Papsuev
