The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore

  • An exhaustive compilation of thematic notes, arranged in a hierarchical structure. Contains direct spoilers for pre-book history and indirect spoilers through the facts noted down for events in the books.
    The Greyjoys
    The Lords Greyjoy still style themselves as Kings of Salt and Rock, Sons of the Sea Wind, and Lord Reapers of Pyke (I: 689) The Greyjoys were the chief of the reavers of the Iron Islands (II: 131) The jealousy and desire for heirship is such that in the distant past it has occasioned that brothers…
  • A compilation of Frequently Asked Questions, with some quite lengthy, essay-like answers to common discussion-topics. Contains spoilers.
    Why was Renly showing Ned the locket?

    Renly makes this plain when he says to Stannis, "A year ago I was scheming to make the girl Robert’s queen." (II: 350) Robert tells Eddard that Renly has been telling him about Margaery’s beauty (I: 260). Clearly, Renly hoped that his source was correct in claiming that Margaery bore some…

  • Graphical representations of almost all known banners as well as info files for houses and individuals. Contains minor spoilers in the actual listings of Houses, while major spoilers are placed in specially marked files except when it concerns banners belonging to individuals: these files may contain major spoilers right off
    House Prester

    Feastfires is located at the very end of the peninsula that extends west of Casterly Rock. The motto of the house is, “Tireless.” The only member of the house to appear or be mentioned is Ser Forley Prester.

  • A compilation of prophecies, visions and dreams which appear to reveal something about the future. Contains spoilers, as we note when we believe a prophecy has been fulfilled.
    I: 411 - The Stallion That Mounts the World

    "As swift as the wind he rides, and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, men without number, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor grass. Fierce as a storm this prince will be. His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh…

  • A comphrehensive collection of fan correspondance with George R.R. Martin. Also included are interviews and chats as well as reports from conventions, signings, etc. May contain spoilers even for as of yet unreleased books.
    Northwestern Honorary Doctorate Speeches

    [Note: This links to George's pre-recorded acceptance speech, and then to his convocation speech at the gradatuation event.]